
Why should I sign up? What is the benefit?
Are you waiting for the other shoe to drop? Are you always in fix it mode? In every day life you are always having anxiety and fear of things that could potentially go wrong and you having to fix or come to rescue? Are your reactive, playing defense or offense with life? Are you controlling life or letting life flow? Are you stuck in a situation (job, relationship and don't know why? Simple Fear Programing. ​
Benefits of this course:
Become more regulated and grounded in every day life. Not allowing others responses or situations to dictate your response and behavior.
Be more at peace in every day life. Not allowing emotions to control your response and be tossed and turned with the emotions rather be at peace.
Become aware of your fear-based programs that run in the background and automatic by the mind.
Become of the roles you are playing in life and the stories that you get into unconsciously.
Be as you are "I am that I am"
Learn the power of "And"
And much more
My hope for this space is that I can be guide you to see the different identities and their attachments and fear programs. Once you have the awareness then it is easier to not become part of the story and release the fear program. It becomes easier for you not to become part of their stories that they have created from fear, but rather realize your divine self beyond the physical.To help you be more heartful rather than mindful.
What will I gain from this membership course?
Who Should Signup
If you have read Change Yourself, Change The World and now are looking to get into deeper practices.
If you have been working on releasing fears and yet still you are repeating same patterns and behaviors.
If you are wanting to connect and align more with your Divine-Self, Higher-Self, God-Self, I AM.
If you are on your spiritual awakening journey and need guidance to still the mind and open your heart.